Sponsor A Zambian Child

Making A Way Where There is No Way

Sponsor a child for £25/month

Each child will receive Shoes, School Fees, School Equipment, School Uniform, and Lunch money for each school day (breakfast at some schools too), Transport Costs as well as support from our partners – Streetlife 

42% of Zambians are classified as extremely impoverished

“Levels of poverty remain high across Zambia, with over half of the population living in poverty … Additionally, more than half of the population is under the age of 18.” (Save the Children)

“As almost half the population consists of children, child poverty is a grave concern. Many Zambian children lack adequate healthcare, nutrition and housing. Families’ struggles for these basic needs force them to keep their children out of school, and instead, send them into the workforce.” (Borgen Project)

“Despite Zambia having one of the world’s fastest-growing economies, it remains one of the world’s poorest countries. Currently, close to 64% of Zambians live under $2 a day and the majority of those who earn more barely make ends meet.” (Habitat for Humanity)

If you take these facts and then add the combination of HIV and Aids stealing the lives of one or both parents, you can see why 20%, 1 in every 5 children, do not live with their parents, either because they are orphans or because they have been abandoned to the streets.

Making A Way Where There Is No Way

Whilst, in theory, at least state schooling is free, most children do not attend school due to informal fees or ‘voluntary’ parental contributions required for enrolment. This includes, among other things, the compulsory purchase of shoes. Many schools also require uniforms and equipment. Then there is the matter of even getting to school, with many of the poorest living farthest away from amenities.

At WayMaker, we believe that all children should be able to attend school regardless of whether or not their parents can afford to pay. We want to make a way where there is no way.

Latest News Letter from the Children